
The members of the University Framework Implementation Network have defined its role as being to:

  • Provide a forum for discussion and sharing of experiences relating to Framework implementation, use and related issues, amongst Irish universities and associated colleges;
  • Endeavour, where appropriate, to develop common national principles and approaches to practice in relation to Framework implementation, use and related issues; and
  • Provide a forum for the dissemination of good practice in relation to Framework implementation, use and related issues amongst higher education practitioners and policy makers.

 Operating Principles

The network's main operating principles are as follows:

  • The network will be chaired on an annual basis by an individual appointed by the joint-secretary organisations in consultation with the network members;
  • the secretaryship of the network will be jointly filled by representatives of the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland and the Irish Universities Association;
  • The chairperson and the joint-secretary organisations will prepare and circulate agendas and supporting documentation for each network meeting;
  • the network will meet at least three times a year;
  • the network will, when appropriate, convene smaller subgroups to develop agreed network projects;
  • A website, developed by the joint-secretary organisations, will act as an information resource and as a tool to inform projects.

© 2025 University Framework Implementation Network

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