
Upcoming Conferences/Events

Recent Conferences/ Events


University Framework Implementation Network Report

The network has published (December 2009) a report, University awards and the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ): Issues around the design of programmes and the use and assessment of learning outcomes. The report is based around the overall theme of programme design and delivery in the context of Framework implementation, and with a view to assisting those involved in carrying out these activities. The project areas developed by each of the three working groups convened by the network comprise the body of the report.

The report is intended to contribute to the work of those:

  • Responsible for the technical aspects of programme design e.g., credit, naming conventions etc;
  • Writing discipline specific learning outcomes; and
  • Designing appropriate assessment to enable learners to demonstrate their attainment of learning outcomes.

It intended to be a practical report that will help peers to implement the Framework by addressing the issues that can create difficulties.

Coordination Group for Qualifications Frameworks: Council of Europe Meeting

The Council of Europe's Coordination Group for Qualifications Frameworks in the Bologna Process met in Strasburg on 17 November 2009. It was agreed at the meeting that there is little likelihood of all countries meeting the 2010 deadline for the development of national qualifications frameworks and that a recommendation should be made to extend the deadline to 2013. At the same time, the importance of maintaining momentum with this initiative across Europe was stressed.

Framework Implementation and Impact Study

On the fifth anniversary of its introduction, the National Qualifications Authority (NQAI) commissioned a study on the implementation and impact of the National Framework of Qualifications and related policies on access, transfer and progression. The report of the external study team of national and international experts was published in September 2009. The report and its recommendations will be considered by the Authority and it will work with stakeholders to identify appropriate follow-up action.

A report, completed by the Irish Universities Association, September 2008, on the implementation of the Framework and related policies in the university sector, as well as reports from the other sectors, is available on the NQAI website.

The public was invited to make submissions to the study and a consultative forum with stakeholders was held on 18th November 2008, Dublin. Further information on the study, the consultation forum and on the public submissions received is available from http://www.nqai.ie/framework_study.html

Completion of the referencing of the NFQ to the EQF

The referencing of the Irish NFQ to the EQF was completed in June 2009. The final referencing report was adopted by the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland on 28 May 2009. The Qualifications Authority is Ireland’s National Coordination Point for the EQF.


Upcoming Conferences/ Events


'Enhacing Learning Experiences in Higher Education: International Conference, 2-3 December 2010

A conference titled 'Enhancing Learning Experiences in Higher Education: International Conference' will be held on 2 - 3 December 2010 at the University of Hong Kong (HKU).

The theme of the conference as suggested by its title is “Enhancing Learning Experiences in Higher Education” and the subthemes include –

1. Transition and the first year experience

2. Literacy across the curriculum

3. Experiential learning and co-curricular

4. Outcomes-based approaches to student learning (OBASL)

5. Assessment and feedback

6. Diversity and multicultural experience

7. Enhancing learning through technology

8. Learning communities

9. Continuing education and professional development

10. Problem based learning (PBL)

11. Postgraduate student experiences

12. Generic skills in higher education

Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis. To register, please click:http://www.cetl.hku.hk/conference2010/registration.htm


Fifth European Quality Assurance Forum, 18 - 20 November 2010


The 2010 European Quality Assurance will be hosted by the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France on 18-20 November 2010. The forum will seek to examine how quality assurance tools and processes implemented at institutional and agency level:



  • relate to European and national level policy discussions and decisions, and
  • interact with and support institutional quality assurance frameworks and quality culture.

The programme for the forum is available at the following link: http://www.eua.be/eqaf-lyon.aspx



International Bologna Seminar, 'Doctoral Studies in the European Higher Education Area', Warsaw, June 2010

The Polish Bologna Experts Team and the Polish LLP Erasmus National Agency with to invite representatives of higher education institutions to an international Bologna seminar entitled: 'Doctoral Studies in the European Higher Education Area'.

The objective of the seminar is to discuss how the Bologna Process has influenced doctoral education and in which direction this education should develop.

The two-day seminar is meant to provide a discussion space for everyone interested and involved in running third cycle studies.

The seminar’s specific aims are to:

  • discuss the latest developments in doctoral studies in Europe,

  • exchange experiences on present models of doctoral studies,

  • discuss pros and cons of the introduction of ECTS for doctoral programmes,

  • discuss quality indicators for doctoral studies and possible models of accreditation and quality assurance.

The seminar will be led by experts on doctoral studies from: EUA Council for Doctoral Education, Universities Austria (previously known as the Austrian Rectors’ Conference), the University of Bristol and by Polish Bologna Experts.

For further details on the seminar, please visit the seminar website phd.erasmus.org.pl.


Higher Education Academy Annual Conference 2010

22-23 June, de Havilland Campus, University of Hertfordshire

The theme of this year's conference is "Shaping the future", exploring impacts and changes to the student learning experience over the next five years.

There are four main tracks:

1.Future Staff
2.Future Students
3.Future Partners and Policy
4.Future Learning

The call for sessions is open. Further details are available from: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/eventsandnetworking/annualconference


International Summer School: Implementing Bologna in your institution

The NAIRTL International Summer School aims to provide the strategies and tools required to enable the implementation of Bologna in higher education institutions. The summer school will run from the 5-9 July 2010 and will take place at University College Cork, Cork.

Further information is available at the following link: http://www.nairtl.ie/index.php?pageID=27&eventID=77

Recent Conferences/ Events

National Qualifications Frameworks and the European Overarching Frameworks: Supporting Lifelong Learning in European Education and Training

The National Qualifications Authority of Ireland and the Higher Education Authority organised a conference, as part of the national Bologna Expert programme, entitled: National Qualifications Frameworks and the European Overarching Frameworks: Supporting Lifelong Learning in European Education and Training on 15 April 2010 in Dublin Castle. The conference booklet, given to participants, is available here.

It includes the conference programme as well as a pre-conference issues paper which was written to inform discussion at the conference. The issues paper, developed by Bryan Maguire of the Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC), sets out contextual information and analysis in support of the conference themes. Reactions to these themes formed the basic structure of the conference.A statement from the conference can be found here.

A comprehensive conference report will be produced capturing both the proceedings and their outcomes, with a view to wide dissemination, in order to inform further related discussions and policy development. This will be available here in due course. 

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