NAIRTL's 4th Bologna Symposium

Integarting generic competences in the curriculum

NAIRTL's 4th Symposium in the Bologna series took place in University College Cork on 30 September 2009. The symposium examined how generic competences could be integrated, taught and assesed in higher education institutions in Ireland and included case studies and examples from European and international leaders.

NAIRTL's 3rd Annual Conference

Research-Teaching Linkages: Practice and Policy

NAIRTL's 3rd Annual Conference took place on 11 and 12 November 2009 in Trinity College Dublin. The conference aimed to uncover best practice in the development of research-teaching links and to identify potential policy supports to help shape these links.

The Higher Education Academy (UK) Annual Conference 2009

The Future of the Student Learning Experience

30 June - 2 July, 2009, University of Manchester

Presentations made at the conference are available from: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/eventsandnetworking/conference/conference20097


Annual Galway Symposium on Higher Education: Design for Learning: Curriculum and Assessment in Higher Education

June 11 and 12 2009

The 7th Galway Symposium, brought together a range of speakers and workshop facilitators around a range of topics that are critical to the devlopment of higher education programmes, courses and modules. Topics included: the Bologna process and what it means in practice; the challenges of assessment in contemporary higher education; perspectives on the meaning of 'curriculum'; issues in the design of materials and the learning environment/context. See http://ollscoil.blogspot.com


Joint University Framework Implementation Network / Bologna Expert Event

The network participated with the Irish Bologna Experts and the HEA in an interactive workshop addressing the design of discipline-specific learning outcomes. The workshop drew on the expertise of those involved in the Tuning projects and the QAA Benchmarking Process. The aim of the workshop was to:

  1. Explore how information on, and experience in, designing discipline-specific learning outcomes drawn from the Tuning projects could be utilised by those responsible for programme design in Ireland;
  2. Examine case studies in particular fields of learning and their application, including an arts/humanities discipline, as well a science/technology discipline


The workshop took place on Friday, 6th February at the Alexander Hotel, Dublin 2. Please find below a number of the presentations from the event:


1. Disciplinary Standards and Assessment - HETAC   (Dr. Peter Cullen, Head of Research Policy and Analysis)


2.  'How can/should quality assurance feature in the design of discipline-specific learning outcomes?'  (Dr. Norma Ryan, Director of Quality Promotion, University College Cork)


3.  Developing Physics Competences  (Prof. Gareth Jones, Emeritus Professor and Senior Research Fellow in Physics, Imperial College London)


4. Framework and LearningOutcomes - English (Professor Elisabeth Jay, Associate Dean (Academic) of the School of Arts and Humanities, Oxford Brookes University)

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